Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence: Erick Herbin, Probability course at Ecole Centrale Paris (20h).

  • Master: Erick Herbin, Advanced Probability course at Ecole Centrale Paris (30h).

  • Master: Erick Herbin and Jacques Lévy Véhel, Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus course at Ecole Centrale Paris (30h).

  • Master: Jacques Lévy Véhel teaches a course on Wavelets and Fractals at Ecole Centrale Nantes (8h).

  • Licence: Benjamin Arras, Analysis, Probability and PDE, 3x10 hours, L3, Ecole Centrale Paris.

  • Licence: Paul Balança, Analysis, Probability, 2x10 hours, L3, Ecole Centrale Paris.

  • Master: Benjamin Arras, Brownian motion and Stochastic Calculus, 20 hours, M2, Ecole Centrale Paris.

  • Master: Paul Balança, Advanced Probability, 18 hours, M1, Ecole Centrale Paris.


  • PhD in progress : Benjamin Arras, Self-similar processes in higher order chaoses, started in September 2011, supervised by J. Lévy Véhel.

  • PhD in progress : Paul Balança, Stochastic 2-microlocal analysis of SDEs, started in October 2010, supervised by Erick Herbin.

  • PhD in progress : Alexandre Richard, Regularity of set-indexed processes and construction of a set-indexed process with varying local regularity , started in October 2010, supervised by Erick Herbin and E. Merzbach.